General Information

Full Name Mingze Dong


  • 2021 - NOW
    Doctor of Philosophy
    Yale University, US
    • Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
  • 2017 - 2021
    Bachelor of Science
    Peking University, China
    • Integrated Science Program
    • Undergraduate Honors Program in Biology


  • 2020.6 - 2021.6
    Research Intern
    Yale University
    • van Dijk lab

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • Finals (Top 1% worldwide) in Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition
  • 2021
    • Outstanding Graduate
  • 2020
    • Outstanding young scholar (Yuanpei Scholar)
    • Top 9 (1% nationwide, Applied math) in S.T. Yau Math Contest
    • Winning Prize (Top 3%, Probability & Statistics) in S.T. Yau Math Contest