Mingze Dong

Yale University.


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I am a CBB (Computational Biology & Bioinformatics) PhD student at Yale University. I am very fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Yuval Kluger and Prof. Rong Fan. Before my PhD, I earned BS degree in Integrated Science from Peking University, focusing on applied math and biology. During my undergraduate, I did research in Lin lab at Peking University and worked as a research intern in van Dijk lab at Yale University.

I have a broad research interest in causal representation learning, generative models, and interpretable machine learning. My work aims to develop novel machine learning approaches to reveal novel biological insights in single-cell data and spatial omics data. In my recent works, I developed causal frameworks to investigate perturbation responses in scRNA-seq data (CINEMA-OT) and identify causal communicating genes in spatial omics data (GEASS). More recently, I developed novel variational inference frameworks that systematically reveals cell intrinsic variation and intercellular communications for spatial omics data (SIMVI), and enables zero-shot query of biological states in scRNA-seq data via identifiable modeling (scShift). Besides these, I also enjoy collaborating with experimentalists to analyze new biological data, or working on fundamental machine learning problems.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a potential collaboration or just a chat!

selected publications

  1. Nature Methods
    Causal identification of single-cell experimental perturbation effects with CINEMA-OT
    Mingze Dong, Bao Wang, Jessica Wei, and 8 more authors
    Nature Methods, 2023
  2. Ongoing work
    Deep identifiable modeling of single-cell atlases enables zero-shot query of cellular states
    Mingze Dong, and Yuval Kluger
    bioRxiv, 2023
  3. Ongoing work
    SIMVI reveals intrinsic and spatial-induced states in spatial omics data
    Mingze Dong, Harriet Kluger, Rong Fan, and 1 more author
    bioRxiv, 2023
  4. ICML
    Towards Understanding and Reducing Graph Structural Noise for GNNs
    Mingze Dong, and Yuval Kluger
    Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
  5. ICLR
    GEASS: Neural causal feature selection for high-dimensional biological data
    Mingze Dong, and Yuval Kluger
    The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (Spotlight), 2022